Make Your Will Online.

It’s easier than ever to plan for your future.

Wills & Estate Planning > Online Wills Service

Our online wills service makes it easier than ever to protect your assets and your loved ones. We have put our will writing services online for those who might find it difficult or time consuming to come into our offices in Cheshire.

It’s still the same thorough and supportive will writing service from our specialist lawyers, but you can complete the will application online, at a time to suit you, making the process straight-forward and more efficient.

Choose from below either a:

Single Will (if you don’t have a partner/spouse or have different assets from them) or,

Mirror Wills (Each person receives a will reflecting the wishes of the other).

It works like this:

1. You fill in our online will application

2. We receive your information and payment

3. We will write your will for you, ask any questions and send you a proof of your will for you to check over.

4. You check all the details, sign and return.

And that’s it!

In this Section:

Wills & Estate Planning:


Please remember, our offices are easy to get to within the South Cheshire, North Shropshire, Chester, Whitchurch and Malpas areas – Just contact us to arrange a face-to-face appointment or telephone consultation.

Safe storage of your will

Wills are stored in fireproof safes protected by insurance for £2 million per will.

We are also members of Certainty who have set up a Wills Register for members of the legal profession who offer storage of Wills. See for further details.


In this Section:

Wills & Estate Planning:


Please remember, our offices are easy to get to within the South Cheshire, North Shropshire, Chester, Whitchurch and Malpas areas – Just contact us to arrange a face-to-face appointment or telephone consultation.

Get in Touch...

If you'd like more information about our services, or would like to talk to someone about your requirements, please contact us using the form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Alternatively, you can call us during office hours on:

01829 782604

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